Although the connection technology only contributes a small proportion to the overall costs of a photovoltaic system, it has a major influence on trouble-free long-term operation. With the connection technology from enwitec, we guarantee you a long service life and operational reliability of your PV system. We achieve this through:
Ensuring the constant satisfaction of our customers and the continuous improvement of our products and services are among our top corporate principles. The benchmark for quality is therefore set by our customers. That is why their judgment of our quality is also decisive.
The foundation of an effective quality management system lies in the 7 basic principles defined in ISO 9001. These principles form the core of a successful quality management system and serve as our guide to achieving the highest quality and customer satisfaction.

We love teamwork and pursue a common goal:
Every single employee at enwitec makes a significant contribution to the quality of our products and services through their personal commitment. We also see it as a matter of course to create excellent working conditions and raise awareness of a healthy and balanced way of working in order to maintain the best possible working capacity of our employees.
A responsible approach to the environment and the safety of our employees, partners and customers is not limited to sufficient compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. Our aim is to minimize the impact on the environment in all our activities and to use the best available technology. In doing so, we strive for safe workplaces without injuries or accidents.
To implement our goals, we train our employees so that they can carry out their work consciously and responsibly. The effects of current actions and measures taken are regularly monitored, assessed and continuously optimized.
“Why should companies waste a lot of time and money detecting, defining and combating errors when it is possible to prevent them from occurring in the first place?”
– Philip B. Crosby
The aim is to prevent errors in advance. If error-free production cannot be achieved even with the greatest effort, it is advantageous to detect the residual errors as early as possible in the production chain using the most precise control mechanisms and to rectify them immediately. We at enwitec work according to this system. We are constantly optimizing our work processes in order to avoid possible errors in advance. To this end, it is particularly important to us to always be on an equal footing with our employees and to ensure a good climate of trust. Through continuous improvement, we pursue the strategy that quality is not just the end goal, but an ongoing process. This is why enwitec is not interested in short-term profit orientation, but strives for long-term success and maximum customer satisfaction.